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C : G : D : A : E : B : F# : C# : F : Bb : Eb : Ab : Db : Gb

Beautiful Mess

Изпълнител: Кристиян Костов

Албум: Eurovision 2017
Изпратил: dixy

Eb xx5343
Cm x35543
Ab 466544 or x31111
Gm 355333
Fm 133111


When the world shakes us
Trying to take us out of line
Fear of tomorrow
Feelings we borrow for a time
Water so deep, how do we breathe?
How do we climb?
So we stay in this mess
This beautiful mess tonight

And we don’t have a thing to lose
No matter what they say or do
I don’t want nothing more
Our love is untouchable
Even in the line of fire
When everything is on the wire
Even up against the wall
Our love is untouchable
Our love is untouchable

When the colours turn grey
And the lights all fade to black again
We’re in over our heads
But somehow we make it back again
Water so deep, how do we breathe?
How do we climb?
So we stay in this mess
This beautiful mess tonight

And we don’t have a thing to lose
No matter what they say or do
I don’t want nothing more
Our love is untouchable
Even in the line of fire
When everything is on the wire
Even up against the wall
Our love is untouchable
Ooh  oh no no no

Even in the line of fire
When everything is on the wire
Even up against the wall
Our love is untouchable

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